Thursday, February 18, 2010

Being an Online Student

To be honest, I love being an online student, but I miss class room time too. I like being an online student because it is so ON MY TIME. When you are a mommy, this is huge. If I want to work on homework, take a nap with my daughter, and come back to it, I can. That's awesome. As I have mentioned before, we are taking a vacation the last week of March, so I am working on working ahead in the course. I am especially hoping to get ahead on my final paper. That last seminar I will probably not be able to attend, but I can do the second option and not have a penalty. I love that. I can go on vacation without feeling guilty. How cool is that? As long as I am responsible and turn all my work in and do the second option, I can still get a good grade. I can still look at the seminar I missed and watch and listen to it, even if I didn't see it live. This is fun to do also because I can pause and rewind at any point. Online school is fun!

I miss classroom time too, though. I did all my massage therapy classes in a classroom, because it was so hands on. There is pretty much no classes where the student has to have hands on because it is not possible. I still make lots of friends online, but I do not know what they look like or anything about them. There is really no one on one time. What does everyone think? I love online school, but I kind of wish it was part online, part in class. Do you think this is what it will come to?

I love the anonymity, flexibility, and self-directed style of the courses. I can say something and it not be right, and I don't feel embarrased or on the spot. (I get embarrased easily, try it some time, my friends think it's funny!) I think we can create a closer atmosphere by telling eachother more about us, instead of just our names and where we are from. How about, does anyone have any kids? Pets? What's your favorite food? Childhood memory?


  1. I love being an on-line student as well. You are right about listening to past seminars, it's actually really nice when you can "just" listen and not have to worry about participating, I find when I listen back I'm able to read everyone's comments a lot easier - it's hard to listen, write and read at the same time, I feel like I miss out on something.
    Here goes - 3 kids, 2 girls, 20 and 18, and one boy 16; two dogs and one kitty - all rescued; favorite food - chicken enchiladas with New Mexico green chile and childhood memory - growing up on a farm, doesn't get any better than that!

  2. I alos like the online classes. like you if I run into something that needs a tought on i can do it were i am relaxed and all. If I want to work on it all night and day I can if I dont I dont. Sometimes I write and the read it and trash it all and start over. Dont have to have to ask to go pee or whatever. drink coffee and eat in class is cool. can't do that in a class room. So I think im learning something know here to how to blog. still dont know what it is for sure.
