Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Let's do this!

I have started my final project for both my classes. Why so early? My vacation falls at the end of unit 8 until the end of unit 9. I don't want to come back and do the paper! Yuck! We return April 5. The paper is due April 6. Nonnooono! That's why I'm getting it done early!

We are getting very excited about going. It's beautiful outside! We've kept the windows open and the heat off for the last few days. It's 63 today! I love Spring!


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I do not see anything wrong with starting early at all. That is a great thing to do and then you will not have to be stressing this during your whole vacation. If you are anything like me this is what I would do. I would be worried the whole time I hate to be behind on my school work. It is so hard to catch up sometimes. Great idea!! Hope your trip goes well.

    Amanda Godwin

  2. Hey! I started mine a while back also. I like being ahead, no worries! I want to shut the heat off in the bedroom but he wont let me. It was 70 here yesterday and is only around 55 at night. I have wall mounted heaters in the kitchen and one in the bedroom. There is a infloor furnace in the frontroom which I find strange because it is not even hooked up to any vents, it just heats the front room, Whats the point? any way, I could shut off the one in the bedroom and it would still be warm enough in the house. He is afraid we might get a cold snap. I am just glad it finally got warm!
